Wednesday 7 August 2019

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay(Part-7)

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay

61) Immigration

  • displacement
  • relocation
  • settling
  • shift
  • displacement
  • reestablishment
  • transmigration emigration
  • colonization
  • crossing
  • migration
  • relocation
  • settling
  • shift

62) Punishment

  • trial
  • action
  • penalty
  • victimization
  • chastening
  • penance
  • abuse
  • disciplinary

63) Waste

  • trash
  • rubbish
  • junk
  • filth
  • muck
  • scrap
  • litter
  • sewage
  • wreck
  • debris

64) People

  • Layman
  • human beings
  • human race
  • mankind
  • common people
  • society
  • communities
  • general public
  • citizens
  • crowd
  • person in the street
  • inhabitants
  • bourgeois
  • public

65) Newspaper

  • tabloid
  • paper
  • press
  • dailies
  • broad sheets
  • periodicals
  • Continuous publications
  • metropolitan daily

66) meanwhile

  • simultaneously
  • in the meantime
  • for the time being
  • for the moment
  • for now

67) Truth

  • reality
  • fact
  • plain talk
  • genuineness
  • certainty
  • authenticity
  • validity
  • legitimacy

68) Believe

  • admit
  • have faith in
  • regard
  • be of the opinion of
  • place confidence in 
  • take for granted
  • conceive the opinion that
  • consider
  • attach weight to
  • affirm

69) Organize

  • manage
  • arrange
  • conduct

70) Health

  • well being
  • wellness
  • fitness
  • healthfulness
  • robustness
  • salubrious