Friday 9 August 2019

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay(Part-8)

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay

71) Food

  • something to eat
  • edible
  • eatable
  • nourishment
  • fodder
  • feed
  • meal-grub
  • nutrition
  • diet
  • standard fare
  • staple
  • bread

72) Cheap

  • easy on the pocket
  • slashed price
  • economical
  • low tariff not expensive
  • affordable
  • cost effective
  • inexpensive
  • nominal
  • depreciated

73) Machinery

  • Devices performing work
  • paraphernalia machine devices
  • apparatus
  • gadget
  • instruments
  • material
  • appliances

74) Work

  • Labor
  • Chore
  • Job
  • Task
  • Assignment
  • Drudge
  • Drudgery
  • Industry
  • Endeavor
  • Efforts
  • Pains
  • obligation

75) Future

  • prediction
  • projection
  • assumed
  • just around the corner
  • destined
  • forthcoming
  • likely
  • expected
  • approaching
  • impending
  • Prospective
  • unfolding up

76) Suspicious

  • quizzical
  • wondering
  • distrustful
  • doubtful
  • questioning
  • cagey
  • apprehensive
  • skeptical

77) Awareness

  • aliveness
  • attentiveness
  • alertness
  • realization
  • knowledge
  • enlightenment
  • mindfulness
  • perception

78) Media

  • disclosure
  • news
  • publishing
  • communication by publication
  • announcement
  • cable
  • radio
  • television

79) Prison

  • lockup
  • penal institution
  • reformatory
  • confinement
  • dungeon
  • keep
  • stock-able
  • Guardhouse
  • Detention center
  • jail

80) Prisoner

  • captive
  • convict
  • culprit
  • lifer
  • jailbirds
  • inmates
  • detainee
  • hostage
  • offender