Friday 2 August 2019

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay(Part-6)

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay

51) Country

  • nation
  • region
  • land
  • territory
  • terrain
  • homeland
  • native land

52) City

  • urban
  • non-rural
  • metropolitan
  • metro
  • megalopolis 
  • metropolis
  • citified
  • burgh

53) Culture/cultured

  • polish
  • manners
  • civilization
  • cultivation
  • sophistication
  • nobility
  • refinement
  • proficiency
  • education

54) Science

  • technique
  • information
  • body of knowledge
  • study of material world

55) Student

  • Lerner
  • pupil
  • undergraduate
  • disciple
  • registrant
  • school-child
  • sophomore

56) benefits

  • merit
  • perk
  • profit
  • advantage
  • gain
  • plus
  • favor
  • boon
  • benediction

57) Effective

  • productive
  • impressive
  • efficient
  • compelling
  • striking
  • efficacious
  • valid
  • capable
  • operative

58) Seller

  • vendor
  • merchant
  • retailer
  • shopkeeper
  • trader
  • storekeeper
  • dealer
  • businessperson
  • trades-person
  • peddler

59) Customer

  • buyers of goods
  • clients
  • consumer
  • regular shopper
  • purchaser
  • patron

60) Host

  • person who entertains
  • owner
  • person of the house
  • proprietor
  • manager
  • keeper