Thursday 11 July 2019

(Part-4) Same pronounce-Different word-Different meaning/Confusable word/homophones word

 Same pronounce-Different word-Different meaning/Confusable word/homophones word

1) Rare(not common):- Chickenpox is rare among adults.
Rear(back part;to bring up):- There are many empty seats at rear of the hall.

2) Right(correct)
Write(mark a surface like paper with symbols)
Rite(religious procedure):- As per our religion,women cannot take part in burial rites.

3) Rich(having wealth):- Mukesh ambani is richest person in India.
Reach(arrive at place):- It took four days for the letter to reach me.

4) Root(the part of the plant which is underground):- The roots of a banyan tree are deep.
Route(way taken from one place to another place):- Our school bus does not go by this route.

5) Sand(fine loose grains forming the seashores,deserts):- children like to play with sand.
Send(convey):- I will send you an email of invitation card.

6) Sail(travel in boat or ship):- Soon the ship sailed away and got out of sight.
Sale(act of selling):- These goods are not for sale.
Sell(exchange or be exchanged for money):- we want to sell our furniture before shifting.

7) Scene(View):- I can not describe the scene of that accident.
Seen(past principle of see):- Have you seen my bag?
Sin(breaking of moral law):- To kill cow is a sin in Hindu religion.

8) Shed(a small building specially for storage or shelter;to fall):-Many trees shed their leaves in winter.
Shade(to protect from light and heat):- Let us find a table in shade.

9) Skim(to go through quickly):- I skimmed through the text to find the answer.
Scheme(plan):- Many shops offer attractive a schemes to raise the sale.

10) Snack(Small amount of fool eaten between meals)
Snake(an animal)

11)   Saw(past tense of see):- I saw her in library.
Show(point out):- He showed me her photos.
Sow(plant with seeds):- Farmers in my village sow seeds just before the monsoon.

12) Sore(painful):- I have got sore throat.
Soar(fly or rise high):- The plane soars high in the sky.
Sour(having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar):- the milk has gone sour.

13) Stationary(not moving):-The sun is stationary and he earth moves around it.
Stationery(writing material)

14) Tail(hindmost part of the animal):- The monkey uses its tail to jump from one tree to another.
Tale(a short story):- children are fond of fairy tales.

15) Tap(device by which the flow of liquid can be controlled):- The tap in the kitchen is leaking for the last 2 days.
Tape(in cassettes and videos;used for tying up):- I need some blank tapes to record some new songs.

16) Taste(flavor in mouth)

17) Temper(state of mind):- Do not lose your temper.
Tamper(meddle with):- after his death,they tampered with his will.

18) Their(belonging to them):- Their house is very big.
There(at that place or position):- There is a book on the table.

19) Through(going in one side and out of other):- we are passing through a jungle.
Throw(to fling):- We should not throw stones at animals.
Thorough(complete,not superficial):- The doctor did a thorough examination of the patient.