Saturday 6 July 2019

(Part-3) Same pronounce-Different word-Different meaning/Confusable word/homophones word

 Same pronounce-Different word-Different meaning/Confusable word/homophones word

1) Later(afterwards):- Jon snow reached at winter fall later than Boltan.
Latter(Last mentioned)

2) Lawn(an area of grass):- The gardener is watering the lawn.
Loan(sum of money lent):- I took a loan from the bank for buy a house.
Lone(single):- He is the lone survivor of the accident.

3) Leave(go away from;permission to be absent from duty):- He took a leave for a week.
Live(to stay):- I live in a posh area.

4) Loose(not tight)
Lose(be deprived of esp. by negligence;become unable to find,defeated in a game,battle etc..)

5) Lessen(make less):- Let us try to lessen the miseries of proof.
Lesson(something to be learned):- I have learnt a lesson from this experience.

6) Mail(email;letters or parcels etc. carried by post):- I got a mail from one of IT company.

7) Meat(animal flesh as a food)
Meet(Come face to face)

8) Oral(related to mouth):- Chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer in long run.
Aural(related to ear):- I had an aural checkup today because of reduced hearing capacity.

9) Patience(ability to bear delay;tolerance):- We need to have patience to deal with offspring.
Patients(people under treatment)

10) Peace(mental calm;in a state of friendliness)
Piece(a small part of whole thing):- I want a piece of bread.

11) Pick(to choose):- students have to pick three courses.
peak(highest point,maximum):- The holidays season is now at this peak.

12) Price(the value or cost of thing)

13) Practice(repeated activity undertaken to improve a skill):- you need a lot of practice to improve your English.
Practise(do repeatedly to improve a skill(British))

15) Pray(to day prayer):- I pray to everyday for my family and friends.
Prey(an animal that is hunted by another animal for food):- The tiger killed its prey.

16) Precede(come or go before in order):- Will my biology class precede my english class or come for it?
Proceed(go forward or further;continue):- The company decided to proceed with the project.

17) Principal(head of school;main):-Our principal is highly learned man.
Principle(personal code of conduct):- He does not follow any set principle.

18) Quiet(silent):- Be quite,please.
Quit(give up)
Quite(To some extent;completely,entirely):- You answered the question quite correctly.