Wednesday 24 July 2019

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay(Part-2)

Vocabulary/synonyms for essay

11) Internet

  • net
  • cyberspace
  • web-based
  • online
  • digital
  • worldwide web(WWW)
  • network
  • computer network
  • information highway

12) Television

  • T.V
  • small screen
  • box
  • telly-tube
  • T.V sets

13) Nowadays

  • these days
  • in the recent times
  • today
  • presently
  • at present
  • here and now
  • momentarily

14) Multicultural

  • global
  • world-wide
  • continental
  • universal
  • international
  • multinational

15) Sports

  • games
  • exercise
  • play
  • athletics
  • physical activity
  • recreational activity

16) Advertising

  • promoting
  • publicity
  • broadcasting
  • publicizing
  • advertise
  • promo
  • exhibiting

17) Fuel

  • combustible
  • nourishment
  • incitement
  • ammunition
  • something providing energy propellant

18) Trend

  • fashion
  • tendency
  • flow
  • leaning
  • pattern
  • progression
  • swing
  • drift
  • current

19) Old people

  • elderly person
  • oldster
  • retired person
  • retiree
  • pensioner
  • golden-age
  • geriatric

20) Resources

  • supplies
  • belonging
  • natural resources
  • capital
  • reserve
  • wealth
  • affluence
  • pecuniary