Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Common Lines for Essay(Part-1)

Common Lines for Essay

1) There is a drastic change in each and every field due to rapid advancement in technology.

2) Due to rapid advancement in technology,the pace of life has increased.

3) Modern technology has entered each and every field.

4) Modern technology has drastically affected the way of living.

5) Due to advancement in technology,the world has become a smaller place.

6) The standard of living and cost of living is increasing day by day.

7) As population is increasing,competition is becoming tough to withstand.

8) There is stiff competition nowadays each and every field.

9) The fast-pace development today is bringing comforts and luxuries in life,but it also has some undesirable effects.

10) People have become more materialistic and money-minded.

11) We have now entered an age of globalization.

12) Although formal education begins in classroom,home is the place where one learns the lessons of life.

13) Education widens a person's mental horizon.

14) Education is must in today's age.

15) In today's age,it is necessary for each and every person to realize the value of education.

16) In today's era,man can stand nowhere without education.

17) Education is basic requirement to live a good life.

18) School are much necessary to make the base of the students strong.